College Code

CET : E091

COMED-K : E068

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The schedule for applying scholarship in SSP portal for the academic year 2024-2025 last date 30.11.2024 For more details go through the circular dated 08.11.2024 in Latest News and Upcoming events. "

Kammavari Sangham (R) 1952, K.S.Group of Institutions


 No.14, Raghuvanahalli, Kanakapura Road, Bengaluru - 560109,  9900710055

Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited by NBA , NAAC & IEI

Admission Enquiry

Announcement |

"Welcome to Computer Science Department"

The Latest at CSE

Latest News

  • Technical Talk

    The Department of Computer Science and Engg and Computer Science and Design jointly organizing a Technical talk on ?Innovation with Nocode & lowcode " on 22-06-2024 for 6th Semester students, in association with CSI and Enterprenuership and Development Cell.

    view more

Upcoming Events

Welcome To Computer Science And Engineering

Preparing students to find Computer Solutions for the society through research and entrepreneurship with professional ethics.


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is established in the year 1999.

The current intake of UG program is 180, PG with 18 and department has a PhD Program. The main focus of the department is to produce graduate, post graduates and PhDs with the expertise in Computer Science and Engineer domain. The outcome-based education helps students to achieve this goal. The college is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is accredited by NBA (2021-2024). The Department offers various programs namely Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Master of Technology (M.Tech) in CSE and PhD. The department has received grants from various prestigious funding agencies like VGST (KFIST Level-I), IEI, VTU and KSCST.

The department has qualified, experienced & committed teaching faculty members with various specializations. Faculties with Ph.D. degree and those who are pursuing Ph.D. provide qualitative industry level education. Due to the quality teaching, the students of the department are performing well in the examination. Totally 3 ranks in UG and one rank in PG are secured by students at the University level.

The Department has well equipped laboratory with state of art equipment and software tools. A computer center with over 150 computers caters to the student needs along with the strong R&D culture. Active professional bodies like CSI, BITES, ISTE, IEI and IEEE help to conduct Workshops, FDPs, STTPs, ATPs to comprehend and upgrade latest technologies. Department student club Firefox organizes technical and non-technical evets for the students to exhibit their team spirit. The biannual department newsletter ?CS -Gyanbytes? disseminates the details of the events and achievements of the students and faculties.

Activities such as technical conferences, student conventions, Hackathon, Coding Contests, Seminars and Workshops are carried out for the students to boost their technical skills and knowledge.

The department student teams have won MHRD organized Smart India Hackathon (SIH) for the years 2016-17 (1 Prize), 2017-18 (2 Prizes), 2018-19(2 Prizes), 2022-23(3 Prizes). In 2020-21 two teams won Toycothan awards and in the year 2019-2020 one team secured 2nd runner up place in TCS EngiNX competition. In the year 2021-2022 one team secured second runner up in Aadhar hackathon.

The Department has Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) with various Organizations which supports internships and projects to develop skills and professional ethics required for IT Industry.

Head Of The Department Desk


Dr. Rekha B Venkatapur

Professor & Head

B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering offers B.E and MTech in CSE. The department has well qualified, capable, Knowledgeable and Dedicated faculty to provide qualitative, Industry tuned education to students with Unreserved support from the Principal and HOD. The Department Infrastructure accomplishes and ropes learning skills on the latest technology in the industry. The students are shaped with multi-dimensional skills covering all the required graduate qualities. Our mission is to inculcate strong theoretical and practical knowledge for continuous learning, prepare students to find Computer Solutions for the society through research and entrepreneurship with Professional ethics, encourage team work in inter-disciplines and evolve as leaders with social concerns. Department staff and students are members of Professional bodies like ISTE, IEI and CSI where students learn to do project, present technical papers and work together which imbibes teamwork and leadership qualities. Department has Firefox club and GLUG to encourage students talent in programming, debugging.

Every year department releases its newsletter Highlighting academic, Co-curricular activities of staff and students. Various workshops on programming skills, carrier guidance, cloud, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Networks remain active throughout the year to enhance the skills of staff and students. Our department has several MOU with industries, R&D and training centers to give guidance, assistance and internships facilities for UG and PG students as well as collaborative research for PhD students.

Highlights of department

  • Young, dynamic and energetic faculty.
  • State of the art facilities for carrying out research in Computer Science & Engineering and allied fields.
  • Excellent facilities to faculty like latest computer, laptop, laser printer, scanner, high speed internet connection etc.
  • Excellent infrastructure: building, space, class-rooms, seating arrangements, etc.
  • Adequate teaching aids like black/white boards, LCD projectors, etc.
  • Excellent results.
  • Students highly sought by top class industries with good emoluments.
  • Excellent facilities for imparting training/courses to engineering & other faculty, students, community, etc.
  • Involvement of faculty members in institutional development work (automation, video conferencing, networking, etc.).
  • Transparency in academic and administrative processes.
  • Excellent teaching learning environment got 3 VTU ranks.
  • The department student teams have won MHRD organized Smart India Hackathon (SIH) for 3 consecutive years

Academic programs offered:

UG Program:

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with approved intake of 120 students and a lateral entry of 20% from 2nd year.

PG Program:

M.Tech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering with approved intake of 18 students




  • To create competent professionals in Computer Science and Engineering with adequate skills to drive the IT industry


  • Impart sound technical knowledge and quest for continuous learning.
  • To equip students to furnish Computer Applications for the society through experiential learning and research with professional ethics.
  • Encourage team work through inter-disciplinary project and evolve as leaders with social concerns.


PEO1: Excel in professional career by acquiring knowledge in cutting edge Technology and contribute to the society as an excellent employee or as an entrepreneur in the field of Computer Science & Engineering.

PEO2: Continuously enhance their knowledge on par with the development in IT industry and pursue higher studies in computer science &engineering.

PEO3 : Exhibit professionalism, cultural awareness, team work, ethics, and effective communication skills with their knowledge in solving social and environmental problems by applying computer technology.

Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs)

PSO1 : Ability to understand, analyze problems and implement solutions in Programming languages, as well to apply concepts in core areas of Computer Science in association with professional bodies and clubs.

PSO2 : Ability to use computational skills and apply software knowledge to develop effective solutions and data to address real world challenges.


1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and engg. specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze engineering problems to arrive at substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components, processes to meet the specifications with consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively with the engineering community and with society at large. Be able to comprehend and write effective reports documentation. Make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one?s own work, as a member and leader in a team. Manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Research and Development

Computer Science & Engineering Research and Development Center is established in the year 2014-15. The Management of the institution has supported financially to start the research activities. R&D is established to motivate Faculty and students to participate in various technical events such as conferences, technical quizzes and workshops to enhance their technical and soft skills. The CSE Department R & D center has 1 Doctorate guiding students towards Ph.D. in various areas. There are 03 research scholars pursuing their research in this center. We have dedicated R & D LAB, IEEE Access and Library facilities for all research scholars and research students. R & D Center has well qualified and experienced team of faculties and students involved in various research activities. The knowledge is shared and transfered to the industry through teaching, paper publications, collaboration, entrepreneurship, etc. By integrating engineering disciplines into one R&D department, we can address major challenges and develop complete solutions, serving as an international hub for engineering excellence. Faculty and students are involved in research activities and setup CLOUD in the R&D centre.

Funding Projects @ KSIT, R & D


Financial grant of Rs.20.00 lakhs has been sanctioned for the Project titled Hybrid Real Time Intrusion Detection System under high Infrastructure Strengthening in Science and Technology (K-FIST) Level I scheme by VGST for the year 2013-14 under the guidance of Dr.Naveen N C.


Financial grant of Rs. 15,000/- has been sanctioned for the Student Project Titled Secure and precise data in a cloud for rural health care monitoring with mobility, for the year 2014-2015 under the guidance of Dr. N C Naveen.


Financial grant has been sanctioned for the Student Project titled Video Stitching and Object tracking , by KSCST 39th Series SPP for the year 2015-16 under the Guidance of Rekha B Venkatapur.

Financial grant has been sanctioned for the Student Project titled Predictive Analysis of diabetes using classification Techniques, by KSCST 39th series SPP for the Year 2015-2016 under the guidance of Pradeep K R,.

Financial grant has been sanctioned for the Student Project titled A PERSONALIZED MOBILE SERACH ENGINE (PMSE) , by KSCST, under UG student project proposal for the year 2013 2014 under the guidance of Mrs. NAGA MANJULA RANI.

R & D Activities

Quality Publication Till 2023-2024 [View here]

Quality Publication [View here]

R & D Center Facilities [View here]

Patent Details [View here]

Research Publication [View here]

PhD Guidance [View here]

KSIT, Research Supervisors Details [View here]

Publications for 2023-2024 [View here]

Publications for 2022-2023 [View here]

Publications for 2021-22 [View here]

Publications for 2020-21 [View here]

Publications for 2019-20 [View here]

Publications for 2018-19 [View here]

Publications for 2017-18 [View here]

Publications for 2016-17 [View here]

Sponsored Projects

Every year the department encourages faculty & students to apply for project funding agencies like AICTE, MHRD, VGST, KSCST, IEI and VTU FOSS, etc. The department has received consultancy from funding agency such as upGrad Education and One97 Communication Limited (Paytm).



Ph.D Pursuing

Research Scholars Pursuing PhD in KSIT, CSE R and D Centre [View here]

Faculty pursuing PhD in CSE Dept [View here]

Ph.D Awardees

Phd awardees in KSIT R & D [View here]

Time Table

A planned schedule to provide students a healthy window for preparations, which includes Learners Teachers Rooms Time slots.

Class Time Table

Master Time Table ODD sem (2024-2025) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem (2023-2024) [download here]

Master Time Table ODD sem (2023-2024) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem(2022-2023) [download here]

Master Time Table ODD sem(2022-2023) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem(2021-2022) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem(2021-2022) [download here]

Master Time Table ODD sem(2021-2022) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem(2020-2021) [download here]

Master Time Table ODD sem(2020-2021) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem(2019-2020) [download here]

Master Time Table ODD sem(2019-2020) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem(2018-2019) [download here]

Master Time Table ODD sem(2018-2019) [download here]

Master Time Table EVEN sem(2017-2018) [download here]

Master Time Table ODD sem(2017-2018) [download here]

Test Time Table

IV SEM III-Sessional Time Table [download here]

IV SEM II-Sessional Time Table [download here]

VI SEM III - Sessional Time Table [download here]

I - SESSIONAL TIME TABLE [download here]

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events Department even-VII SEM(2024-2025) [download here]

Calendar of Events Department even-VI SEM(2024-2025) [download here]

Calendar of Events Department even-III SEM(2024-2025) [download here]

Calendar of Events Department even-VI SEM(2023-2024)) [download here]

Calendar of Events Department even-IV SEM(2023-2024) [download here]

Calendar of Events Department even-VIII SEM(2023-2024) [download here]

Calendar of Events Institute odd-I Sem(2023-2024) [download here]

Calendar of Events Institute Odd(2023-2024) [download here]

Calendar of Events Institute Even(2022-23) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2022-23) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2022-23) [download here]

calendar of events Idepartment even (2021-22) [download here]

calendar of events Institute even (2021-22) [download here]

calendar of events department odd (2021-22) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2021-22) [download here]

calendar of events Institute even (2020-21) [download here]

calendar of events Institute even (2020-21) [download here]

calendar of events Department even (2020-21) [download here]

calendar of events Department even (2020-21) [download here]

calendar of events Department even (2020-21) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2020-21) [download here]

calendar of events Department odd (2020-21) [download here]

calendar of events Institute even (2019-20) [download here]

calendar of events Department even (2019-20) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2019-20) [download here]

calendar of events Department odd (2019-20) [download here]

calendar of events Institute even (2018-19) [download here]

calendar of events Department even (2018-19) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2018-19) [download here]

calendar of events Institute even (2017-18)) [download here]

calendar of events Department even (2017-18) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2017-18) [download here]

calendar of events Institute even (2016-17) [download here]

calendar of events Department even (2016-17) [download here]

calendar of events Institute odd (2016-17) [download here]

UG (B.E in CSE)

2022 Scheme [view here]

2021 Scheme [view here]

2018 Scheme [view here]

2017 Scheme [view here]

2015 Scheme (VIII SEM) [view here]

2015 Scheme (VII SEM) [view here]

2015 Scheme (VI SEM) [view here]

2015 Scheme (V SEM) [view here]

2015 Scheme (IV SEM) [view here]

2015 Scheme (III SEM) [view here]

PG (M.Tech in CSE)

2022 Scheme [view here]

2020 Scheme [view here]

2016 Scheme [view here]

2014 Scheme [view here]

News letter

CS-GYANBYTES is the technical magazine which publishes details about paper publications, 100% attendance results, Guest lectures given by the faculties outside and guest faculty being conducted within the department, Events attended by the faculties such as FDPs, Workshops, and Seminars, achievements by the students and staffs.

Vol9 Issue2 [download here]

Vol9 Issue1 [download here]

VOL8 Issue 2 [download here]

VOL8 Issue 1 [download here]

VOL 7 Issue 2 [download here]

VOL 7 Issue 1 [download here]

VOL 7 Issue 1 [download here]

VOL 6 Issue 2 [download here]

VOL 6 Issue 1 [download here]

VOL 5 Issue 2 [download here]

VOL 5 Issue 1 [download here]

VOL 4 [download here]

VOL 3 [download here]

VOL 2 [download here]

VOL 1 [download here]





Dr. Vijayalakshmi Mekali

Dr. Vijayalakshmi Mekali




Associate Professor



Associate Professor



Associate Professor



Associate Professor



Associate Professor



Associate Professor

Dr. Soubhagyalakshmi

Dr. Soubhagyalakshmi

Associate Professor



Assistant Profesor



Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor

Suma Rajesh Ananthakrishna

Suma Rajesh Ananthakrishna

Assistant Professor

Roopashree S V

Roopashree S V

Assistant Professor

Roopa Deshpande

Roopa Deshpande

Assistant Professor

Sheba jeba Kani

Sheba jeba Kani

Assistant Professor

Asha Sattigeri

Asha Sattigeri

Assistant Professor

Maddela Bhargavi

Maddela Bhargavi

Assistant Professor

Kodur Srividya

Kodur Srividya

Assistant Professor

Supporting Faculty










Babu G

Babu G











Madhubala K

Madhubala K





















Heartfelt words from our students.

Department Achievers


Smart India Hackathon 2023

Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged as Winners and won a cash Prize of 1L rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2023,held at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh


Smart India Hackathon 2022

Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged as Winners and won a cash Prize of 1L rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2022,held at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu


Smart India Hackathon 2022 2022

Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged as Winners and won a cash Prize of 1L rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2022,held at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh


Smart India Hackathon 2022

Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged as 1st Runner Up and won a cash Prize of 75K rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2022,held at Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh



Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged has winners and won a cash Prize of 1 Lakh rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2019,held at JECRC university,Jaipur by providing solution to Ministry of Power



Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged has winners and won a cash Prize of 1 Lakh rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2019,held at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology by providing solution to Ministry of Civil Aviation



Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged has winners and won a cash Prize of 1 Lakh rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2018,held at TECHNO INDIA NJR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,Udaipur by providing solution to Ministry of Railways



Computer Science & Engineering Students won 2nd Prize with a cash Prize of 75,000 rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2018,held at PANIPAT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,Panipat Haryana by providing solution to Department of Telecommunication



Computer Science & Engineering Students emerged has winners and won a cash Prize of 1 Lakh rupees at Smart India Hackathon 2017,held at JECRC university,Jaipur by providing solution to Department of Post


India-Singapore Hackathon 2019

Pavan Kumar D,final year student of Computer Science & Engineering were selected for India Singapore Hackathon held at IIT,Madras


Singapore India Hackathon 2018

3 students from Computer Science & Engineering participated in Singapore India Hackathon held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and were Top 5 among the 40 teams in the event



EngiNX is Tata Consultancy Services flagship contest that celebrates innovation in engineering and design by encouraging aspiring engineers to create impactful products that tackle real problems, using digital technologies such as IoT. Over the past six seasons, this contest has seen innovations like, smart precision farming, connected health monitoring, smart shopping cart, and IoT enabled energy management.

List of FCD Students

Batch - (2015 - 2019) [View here]

Batch -(2014 - 2018) [View here]

Batch -(2013-2017) [View here]

Department Labs

Computer Science and Engineering Department has fully furnished State of Art laboratories. All laboratories are well-equipped to run the academic laboratories courses. Highly experienced Technical staff are available in all the laboratories to assist the students to carry out their lab sessions.

The Department has

  • Dedicated six laboratories, all are well-equipped with latest computers installed with required software for a students to carry out lab sessions, LAN connectivity, WiFi and uninterrupted power supply. Projectors are available for effective explanation of concepts and programs related to academic laboratories courses, technical seminar presentation, internship presentation and project phase reviews. Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory/Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Laboratory And System Software and Operating System Laboratory equipments like CRO, IC trainer kits, ARM7 LPC 2148 Microcontroller kit, ALS - SDA - ARM7 are available.
  • Project labs in the department are available for students to carry out academic projects, mini projects and to conduct any other organizational events like CSI, Sentinal Hack.
  • Research and Development lab is well-equipped with latest computers, laptops, servers, Network storage, interactive panel, Barcode Scanner, softwares like Anaconda, MongoDB, Wireshark, JAVA, Oracle etc. It is utilized by research scholars, students to carry out academic projects, project for various competitions like Smart India Hackathon, assignment projects, Hobby projects etc. For the benefit of the students carrying out the project works, a small library 109 books, 461 reference journal are made available. Further, project reports of few years (departmental copy) are also placed in this library. The lab is well equipped with LAN connectivity, WiFi and uninterrupted power supply. Dedicated projectors are available for use. With enough output power points, so that the students can bring their own computing devices to work hassle free.
  • Seven class rooms with a seating capacity of seventy and one fully furnished Seminar hall with seating capacity of 120.

Mobile Application Development Laboratory / Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things Skill Laboratory / Object Oriented Programming with Java Laboratory


View more


Machine Learning / Project Laboratory

(108-OB I FLOOR)

View more


Web Technology Laboratory and Database Management System Laboratory / Computer Graphics Laboratory


View more


Data Structures Laboratory / Design and Analysis of Algorithm Laboratory / System Software & Operating System Laboratory


View more


Centre of Excellence and IOT Laboratory

Project LAB

View more


Computer Networks Lab / Project Work

(109-OB I FLOOR)

View more


Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory / Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems Laboratory / System Software and Operating


View more


Computer Programming Laboratory


View more

Departmental Library

Libraries are established for the systematic collection, organization, preservation and dissemination of knowledge and information. It is very important for person to preserve and maintain the valuable knowledge and information contained in the books and documents because we want to preserve our knowledge and wisdom for the coming generations. By preserving the documents in a library this knowledge can be made available to others so that they can benefit from it.

Libraries play a vital role in the development of any society by enhancing the cause of education and academic research. They cater to the information needs of thousands of peoples.

Collection Of books

Computer Concepts & C Programming 26
Data Structures & C A classical approach 20
Object-Oriented Programming, C++ 16
Microprocessor and Micro controller 14
Software Engg. 14
Computer Networks 13
Graphics under C 13
Computer System Architecture 9
The complete reference UNIX 9
Database Management Systems 8
The Design & Analysis of Algorithms 8
Electronic Devices and circuits 8
Electrical 7
Computer Organization 6
Network Security 6
Principles of Management 5
System Software 5
Operating Systems 5
C# and the .Net Platform 4
Graph Theory & Combinatorics 4
All in one super Scanner 4
Open Source Web Development with Lamp 3
Higher Engg. Mathematics 3
Theory of Computation 3
Discrete Mathematical Structures 3
Software Testing 3
Logic Design 3
Compiler Design 3
Web Technologies 3
The complete reference J2ME 2
Multimedia (System, Technology & Communication) 2
Simulation Modeling & analysis 2
Introducing Systems analysis & Design 2
System Programming 2
Automata, Computability & Complexity 2
Formal Languages & Aotomata Theory 2
Python 2
Cloud Computing 2
Programming Languages 1
Operations Research 1
Operation Research 1
PC Upgrading Maintenance 1
Introduction to Concepts 1
Data Warehousing 1
Compilers 1
System Modelling & Analysis 1
Computer Aided Engg. Drawing 1
Fundamental of Digital Design 1
SuperTech Companion 5 in 1 CS/IS Engg. VIII Sem 1
Digital Image Processing 1
PC Software made Simple 1
Introduction to Artificial intelligence & Expert Systems 1
Mobile Computing 1
Data Analytics using R 1
Theory & Problems of Combinatroics 1
Embedded Systems 1

Placement Details

The purpose of the placement and training is to guide students to choose right career and to give knowledge, skill, and aptitude and meet the manpower requirements of the Industry. The Placement and Training department conducts various training activities like Campus Induction for the First Year Students, Soft skill training for the second, third and fourth year students to help students grow their technical skills. Also the campus induction programs to make students prepared for the company interviews. The placement department in assistance with the department of CSE faculties coordinates and provides logistic supports to the companies while visiting the college. The outcome of this brings students play a major role in in shaping up the career goals of students.

Placement details & Salary Package 2022-23 [view here]

Placement details & Salary package 2021-2022 [view here]

Placement details & Salary package 2020-21 [view here]

Placement details & Salary package 2019-20 [view here]

Placement details & Salary package 2018-19 [view here]

Placement details & salary package 2017-18 [view here]

placement details & salary package 2016-17 [view here]



Entrepreneurship Talk

"The department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a talk on "Entrepreneurship - Venture Vision in association with ED Cell at KSIT. "


View more Report


Mini Project Exhibition

"The Dept. of CSE organized a "Mini Project Exhibition" for VI semester students."


View more


Technical Talk

"The Department of Computer Science and Engg and Computer Science and Design jointly organizing a Technical talk on Innovation with Nocode & lowcode " for 6th Semester students, in association with CSI and Enterprenuership and Development Cell."


View more Report


A large number of Electronic Resources are available for all the subjects.

E LINKS [view here]

All the users of library resources of KSIT must adhere to copyright laws of publishers and consortia.

No copyrighted work may be copied, published, disseminated, displayed, performed, without permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with fair use or licensed agreement. This includes DVDs/CDs and other copyrighted material. Using these resources for commercial purpose, systematic downloading, copying or distributing of information is prohibited. KSIT may terminate the online access of users who are found to have infringed copyright.

Teaching And Learning

The faculty of CSE department attends various MOOCS and training programs on advanced topics, update their knowledge and skills, and gives additional inputs in the classes. Further, the faculty conducts various innovative teaching and learning activities inside and outside the classrooms to engage the students effectively and efficiently. The teaching and learning activities conducted by the faculty for the improvement of student learning includes:

  • Teaching with working models, simulations and animated videos
  • Assignments which include Miniprojects and Case studies
  • Conduction of online and classroom quizzes, surprise class tests, open book assignments, group discussions, seminars etc.
  • Usage of ICT, Pupilpod and Google classrooms for posting assignments and lecture materials
  • Usage of Google forms and Kahoot for online interaction, assessment and evaluation

The instructional materials and pedagogical activities are uploaded in Google drive and the associated links are made available on institutional website for student and faculty access.

Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials are made available for public access.

Instructional Materials 2023-24 [view here]

Instructional materials 2022-23 [view here]

Instructional materials 2021-22 [view here]

Instructional materials 2020-21 [view here]

Instructional materials 2019-20 [view here]

Instructional Materials 2018-19 [view here]

Instructional Materials 2017-18 [view here]

Lab Manuals

Lab Manual 2023-24 [view here]

ODD SEM [view here]

EVEN SEM [view here]

Pedagogical Activities

Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching an academic subject or theoretical concept. Pedagogical skills involves being able to convey knowledge and skills in ways that students can understand, remember and apply. Pedagogies involve a range of techniques, including whole-class and structured group work, guided learning and individual activity. Pedagogies focus on developing higher order thinking.

Pedagogy reports [view here]

Pedagogy Review Form

The Peer review forms associated with pedagogical activities are made available for public access, peer review, critique and further development.

Pedagogy review form [view here]

Content Beyond Syllabus

Academic year 2024-25(ODD) [view here]

Academic year 2023-24(ODD) [view here]

Academic Year 2022-23(Even) [view here]

Academic Year 2022-23(ODD) [view here]

MOUs Signed

The Memorandum of Understanding details modalities and general conditions regarding collaboration between the INDUSTRY and KSIT. Also facilititate for enhancing and encouraging students for interactions between the Industry Experts, Scientists, Research fellows and Faculty members for knowledge sharing with the following objectives:-

  • Collaboration in conduction of conferences, workshops, seminars and hackthons.
  • Provides industry exposure to KSIT students.
  • Mutually agreed guidance for student's projects and scholar's reserarch works through internship and industrial training.
  • Provision given for the usage of institute infrastructure by industry like library, internet and computational facilities etc.

BayMap Systems, Bangalore [view here]

Cranes Varsity Pvt. Ltd. [view here]

Karnataka State sericulture Research and Develop Institute [view here]

Prinston Smart Engineers [view here]

Personal Air Quality Systems [view here]

Niladvantage Technologies Pvt Ltd. [view here]

Avvalli Solution Private Limited [view here]


RUBIXE [view here]

Alumni Association

An alumni association is an association of graduates or, more broadly, former students of the college.the purpose of association is to foster a spirit of laws and to promote the general welfare of the institution.

Associations exist to support the institution's goal, and strengthen the ties between alumini, the community and the institution.


NBA Links

  • Criteria 1
    • - Vision, Mission, PEO, PSO & Feed Back view here

Professional Bodies

Department of Computer Science and engineering of KSIT has various professional bodies to help students to take-up innovative projects, present technical papers and organize various technical events thereby receiving a broader perspective on the professional front by providing opportunities for teamwork, leadership and service.

  • Computer Society of India (CSI) is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. The college has CSI Academic membership since 2014 and KSIT CSI Student branch was inaugurated in the year 2015. The 3rd year and 4th year Undergraduate students of CSE Department are the members of CSI. Workshops, Seminars, Guest Lectures, Student Convention, MiniProject Exhibitions are regularly conducted for students under CSI Student chapter. The event details are published regularly in CSI Communications and also in college magazine. Faculty Development Programs and workshops are also conducted for the faculties under CSI chapter.
  • ISTE formulates & generates goals & responsibilities of technical education. Seminars, workshops, conferences are organized on the topic of relevance to technical education for engineering students as well as teachers.
  • The Institution of Engineers (IEI) is the national organization of engineers in India. IEI in KSIT promotes an environment to enable ethical pursuits for professional excellence.
  • The Board for IT Education Standards (BITES) is an autonomous body and a non-profit society promoted by the Government of Karnataka, in association with educational institutions and IT Industries in Karnataka, in order to enhance the quality of IT education and help build quality manpower for the IT industry. Set up in June 2000, BITES is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization.
  • ALUMNI K.S. Institute of Technology has shaped many educationists, software engineers, entrepreneurs, teachers etc. The Alumni Association brings all these people together on a single platform and develops synergistic plans to aid and improve Institutional endeavours. KSIT works to strengthen ties between the Institutions and the alumni, so that the alumni can participate in various activities including cultural and social activities. The Alumni Association conducts regular meetings wherein the members freely and closely interact with each other on issues pertaining to development of the college and also their role and contribution. Their ideas and suggestions are duly recognized and implemented by the college administration. The HODs also interact with the members of Alumni Association especially on the matters of curriculum design and development of value ? added programs.

CSI [view here]

IEI [view here]

ISTE [view here]

BITES [view here]

IEI [view here]

ISTE [view here]

ISTE [view here]

CSI [view here]

BITES [view here]

Higher Education & Entrepreneurship

The department conduct higher studies awareness program in order to motivate the students to do higher studies both within the country and abroad. The department in association with training and placement department helps students in understanding the importance of attempting various competitive exams like GATE, IELTS, GRE, TOEFL etc.

HIGHER STUDIES DETAILS 2022-23 [view here]

HIGHER STUDIES DETAILS 2021-2022 [view here]

HIGHER STUDIES DETAILS 2020-21 [view here]

HIGHER STUDIES DETAILS 2019-20 [view here]

HIGHER STUDIES DETAILS 2018-19 [view here]

HIGHER STUDIES DETAILS 2017-18 [view here]

HIGHER STUDIES DETAILS 2016-17 [view here]

Fire Fox

Club Activities

Firefox was created in 2002, under the name ?Phoenix? by the Mozilla community members who wanted a standalone browser rather than the Mozilla Application Suite bundle. Even during its beta phase, Firefox proved to be popular with its testers and was praised for its speed, security, and add-ons compared to Microsoft's then - dominant Internet Explorer 6. Firefox was released in November 2004, and was highly successful with 60 million downloads within nine months.

Innospark [view here]

SYNERGY [view here]

Sentinal Hack 4.O [view here]

Internal Hackathon [view here]

Sentinal Hack 3.O [view here]

Sentinal Hack 2.0 [view here]

Equinox [view here]

firefox club [view here]

External Links (Club)


Internships are foundational in preparing students for the workforce and providing opportunities after graduation. Most employers seek career-ready college graduates who have been equipped with prior experiences and skills in a given field. An internship is important because it can present you with new skills and opportunities that student would not receive otherwise. Interns not only gain technical knowledge within the industry of their choice, but they also learn how to interact with professionals in a workplace setting, and develop essential soft skills like time management, organization, adaptability, problem-solving and teamwork. An internship is the best way to gain work experience as a student. Internships give you the valuable practical experience needed along with theoretical knowledge. Employers often note that there is a disconnect between the requirements of the industry and the academics. This gap can be bridged by an internship and pitch you as an ideal candidate.

Internship Details 2023-24 [view here]

Internship details 2022-23 [view here]

Internship details 2021-22 [view here]

Internship details 2020-21 [view here]

Internship details 2019-20 [view here]

Internship details 2018-19 [view here]

Internship details 2017-18 [view here]

Internship details 2016-17 [view here]


Final year project is one of the most important aspects of Engineering degree. Final year project will be the first exposure to the full rigour of Engineering practice. It is essential that students learn from this exposure and practise all of the engineering methodologies involved. It is particularly important that students learn not just to apply what they know, but to apply it with judgement.

Project Details 2023-24 [view here]

Project Details 2022-23 [view here]

Project Details 2021-22 [view here]

Project details 2020-21 [view here]

Project details 2018-19 [view here]

Project details 2017-18 [view here]

Project details 2016-17 [view here]


Mini projects for engineering students give an edge over the race of recruitment to work hard to ensure a good career. By taking up mini projects, students can gain practical knowledge. The technical skills can only be improved by taking up mini projects. Students become more productive.

DATA ANALYTICS BOOTCAMP 08-01-2024 [view here]

DBMS miniproject 18-03-2024 Report [view here]

Mobile Application LAB 2022-23 [view here]

CG miniprojects 2022-23 [view here]

WEB LAB 2018-19 [view here]

DBMS - 2018-19 [view here]

CG 2017-2018 [view here]

CG & Mobile Application LAB -2021-22 [view here]

Social Activities

NSS Events conducted in 2023-24 [view here]

NSS Events conducted in 2022-23 [view here]

NSS Events conducted in 2021-22 [view here]

NSS EVENTS LIST(2020-2021) [view here]

NSS EVENTS LIST(2018-2019) [view here]

NSS EVENTS LIST(2016-2018) [view here]

NSS EVENTS 2018-19 [view here]

NSS EVENTS 2017-18 [view here]

NSS EVENTS 2016-17 [view here]

Other Details

Convocation Details 2024-2025 [view here]

Annexure 1.3 [view here]

Annexure 2.2.1A [view here]

Annexure 2.2.1B [view here]

Annexure 2.2.1C [view here]

Annexure 2.2.1D [view here]

Annexure 2.2.2 [view here]

Annexure 2.2.3 A [view here]

Annexure 2.2.3 B [view here]

Annexure 2.2.3 C [view here]

Annexure 2.2.3 C [view here]

Annexure 2.2.4 A [view here]

Annexure 2.2.4 B [view here]

Annexure 2.2.5 [view here]

Annexure 4.1 [view here]

Annexure [view here]

Annexure [view here]

Annexure [view here]

Annexure 5.1 [view here]

Annexure 5.2 [view here]

Annexure 5.3 [view here]

Annexure 5.4 [view here]

Annexure 5.5 [view here]

Annexure 5.6 [view here]

Annexure 5.7.1 [view here]

Annexure 5.7.2 [view here]

Annexure 5.7.3 [view here]

Annexure 5.8 [view here]

Annexure 6.1 [view here]

Annexure 6.4 [view here]

Annexure 7.1 [view here]

Annexure 7.2 [view here]

Annexure 7.3 A [view here]

Annexure 7.3 B [view here]

Annexure 7.4 [view here]

Seat matrix [view here]

1.4.1 Feedback [view here]

Staff handbook [view here]

Audit Mechanism [view here]

IEI EVENTS [view here]

BITES EVENTS [view here]

ISTE EVENTS [view here]

CSI EVENTS [view here]

Department Advisory Committee [view here]

LAB Description [view here]

Program Assessment Committee [view here]

Student Achievement is Extra Curricular Activities TCS EngiNX_Toycathon 2021 [view here]

Student Achievement is Extra Curricular Activities 2022 [view here]

Student Achievement is Extra Curricular Activities 2019 [view here]

Student Achievement is Extra Curricular Activities 2018 [view here]

Student Achievement is Extra Curricular Activities 2017 [view here]

SWAYAM NPTEL [view here]

Faculty Development Programme

FDPs_ 2022-2023 [view here]

FDPs_ 2021-2022 [view here]

FDPs_ 2019-2020 [view here]

FDPs_ 2015-2016 [view here]

FDPs_ 2014-2015 [view here]

Industrial Visit

Objectives of industrial visit is to provide students an insight regarding internal working of companies. Students know, theoretical knowledge which is not enough for making a good professional career. With an aim to go beyond academics, the department conducts industrial visit provides student a practical perspective on the world of work. The department also provides the visit to premier institutions like IISc and IIIT during Open Day and Open House respective events to give students awareness to newer technologies that help them in deciding the project topics during their final year.


Tech Summit BTS 2023

It will serve as the global meeting ground, uniting large tech companies, dynamic startups, visionary investors, and cutting-edge research labs from over 30 nations

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Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, organised an "OPEN DAY" event to show-case its activities to the student community on Saturday, 04 March 2023

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The Main objective of the Industrial Visit is to give an exposure to the students studying in CSE in learning new technologies. This visit will give the students to carry out projects either in CSE domain or in interdisciplinary domains.

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Democratization of space ,To leverage the end to end life cycle expertise. To enhance student skills, employability, entrepreneurship mindset. To facilitate achieving the institution?s goal of having its satellite in space

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ITC-2018 is a flagship event of the Indian Technology Congress Association (ITCA), focuses on facilitating collaboration between technology professionals from the industry, R&D laboratories, government, academic institutions and other professional bodies.

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ICAT is a media and design college, which provides courses like Game Design & Development for Mobile, Console, PC & Internet Platforms. UI (User Interface)/ UX (User Experience)/ App Development.

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This visit will give the students to carry out projects either in CSE domain or in interdisciplinary domains. The students participating in the event or in coding event at IISc will boost their technical skills which will help them during placements.

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ICAT is a media and design college, which provides courses like Game Design & Development for Mobile, Console, PC & Internet Platforms. UI (User Interface)/ UX (User Experience)/ App Development. Computer Graphics & Animation.

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This event is intended to provide an opportunity to individuals, such as the undergraduate students from colleges and Institutions and corporate employees to visit the campus and interact with the faculties and research scholars of the premium institute.

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Some of the key aspects of technological progress in the field of mother board preparation, which is necessary as a Computer Science Engineering to have an insight of it. And also we learnt about Quality Control Tools (7QC Tools) used for this

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This visit will give the students to carry out projects either in CSE domain or in interdisciplinary domains. The students participating in the event or in coding event at IISc will boost their technical skills which will help them during placements.

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The main objective of the Industrial Visit is to provide an insight to the quality of research happening in the area of space technology and the scope of computer science engineering in this field.

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Project Exhibition

Project Presentation is organized to evaluate the projects by experts from Academic Institutions and/Industry. The students demonstrate the projects to the jury. The evaluation is done and 2 prizes are awarded for the best projects.


Project Name: Project Exhibition 2024

Description: A Project Exhibition & Competition was organized for 8th -semester students on 30th May 2024 and chief guest was Mr. Mahantesh Kolhar, Project Manager, Universal Electronics

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Project Name: Project Exhibition 2023

Description: A project exhibition was organized for 8th Semester students on 28/04/2023 and 29/04/2023 under KSIT CSI STUDENT BRANCH and AICTE - SPICES.

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Project Name: Project Exhibition 2022

Description: A Project Exhibition was organized for 8 semester students on 25 June 2022 under KSIT CSI STUDENT BRANCH & AICTE -SPICES.

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Project Name: Project Exhibition and Paper Presentation Report

Description: The stage was set for Project Exhibition and Paper Presentation on 10th May 2018, Dr Sathish Kumar.S, Associate Professor, RNS Institute of Technology and Mr. Sudhakar, Architect Aarika Infosystems PVT LTD. was judge for the event.

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Project Name: Project Exhibition 2017

Description: The stage was set for Project Exhibition on 13th May 2017. Dr Suma.V, Professor and Dean, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering and Dr Ashok Kumar A.R Associate Professor R.V College of Engineering was judge for the event.

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COMPUTER SCIENCE & DESIGN (CSD) as an engineering discipline

In the internet economy, all businesses are focused on engaging the user. A successful user engagement leads to increased revenue and profits. Any distraction results in business loss and bad reputation, often accompanied by an onslaught on social media. The Computer Science & Design (CSD) course contains two themes that address these two aspects, i.e., User Interface (UI) design and User Experience (UX) design.

Most CS graduates today study Machine Learning and majority of final semester projects makes use of machine learning. However, this is often disconnected from the end user/business manager's perspective. For them, it is important to see the business intelligence and patterns from Data mining. This needs to be in an easy and intuitive visual form. The popular adage "A Picture is worth a 1000 words" is very apt in this context. Results need to be depicted in a form such that the end user can understand these results easily and apply it to improve the business. Thus, Data visualizations is a crucial aspect to truthfully and succinctly present the result to end user. The CSD course equips the student to fulfil this important business need.

India and some part of the work has a large percentage of young people in their population. This young generation is a big lover of games, especially digital games. Irrespective of the economy of any country, every parent today obliges their children when it comes to digital games. Thus, a career in game design and development is considered recession proof. The gaming technology inherently makes user of AR/VR (Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality) as well as animation technologies. The CSD curriculum is framed to include courses on these topics, thereby ensuring that upcoming graduates are able to fulfil these underlying engineering needs.

Keeping with currents trend of IoT devices proliferating, it is imperative that new engineers are fully conversant with Robotics, automation and IoT communication. CSD curriculum in higher semesters addresses these needs as optional electives for interested students.

Thus, CSD though shares about 75% of its course with CSE, but provides a distinct perspective and specialization in emerging technology fields. This course is designed in a way such that engineering graduates are equally well versed with Multimedia technologies and design approach. This is in addition to general computing approaches, tools and technologies. This course is in conformity with the objectives set out in AICTE model curriculum of courses at UG level in Emerging areas i.e., "To cope up with the upcoming emerging industrial demands, the technical institutes are to be tuned to educate and train their students to meet the upcoming requirements of the industrial revolution".

Placement and career growth

A computer science and design graduate will have manifold and multi-level opportunities in terms of career growth. This course will equip them to work in IT industry in general like other CS graduates. In addition, they have exciting opportunities to explore the careers in many segments of digital media industry such as Gaming, animation, Augmented/Virtual reality etc. As students will get general exposure to all the encompassing aspects of digital media technologies, it will open the doors for them to pursue higher studies in various disciplines of Computer Science, Information Technologies, and Digital Design.

Apply Now

Computers and Communication Engineering

Over the last decade, Internet has amalgamated with every part of our daily life. Every activity we perform today is touched upon by Internet in one way or other. Internet as a technology consists of two key components, namely, Computers and Communication systems. At the undergraduate level, these two subjects have generally been taught separately as two different engineering streams; a) Computer Science b) Communication Engineering. Study of Computers started about 50+ years ago whereas communication systems has evolved over 150 years period. With the onset of Internet in 1980's, Computer Networks as a subject to introduce Communication Engineering is being taught in Computer Science courses.

Study of Computers and Communication Engineering represents the amalgamation of these two branches bring out the core aspects of both these disciplines. In this course, a student will study basic and advance topics related both the branches, such as, Data Structure and Algorithms, Computer system organization, cloud computing, communication networks including wired, wireless and cellular telephony networks.

When students complete this Computer and Communication Engineer ing(CCE) course, they will acquire a strong foundation, and will have ample opportunities for their career path. For these students, placement opportunities are going to be available in Software Development, Computer Communication related industry, IoT based application industry, Sensor technology, Drones technology and many other areas. These students are likely to have multiple offers and can choose the right one that would interest them the most to follow their dreams.

Apply Now

Computer Science(IoT, Cyber Security including Block Chain)

Internet started as a research project connecting universities and educational institutes over a distributed network. As its initial operating domain was within academia, security of information communication was not a concern. With the onset of web technologies in mid 90's, when business started using the internet and web, secure communication became need of the hour. Further, most of the devices we use today in our daily life are connected to network and generate data all the times. Today, internet is being more used by devices (called Internet of Things - IoT) than human beings. The enormity of such data is at much higher scale than generated by human usage of internet.

To keep up with evolving needs and new technologies, AICTE has recommended several courses in emerging technology areas, such as, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber security, Blockchain, Robotics, Quantum Computing etc. It is imperative that new engineers are fully conversant with these newer technologies with basic knowledge of core computer science and engineering. Further, with all pervasive use of digital transactions, security and privacy of data being exchanged becomes critical. We should all become knowledgeable about securing and preserving data and expect that related tools and technologies become common place. Majority of transactions being digital, their secure preservation in distributed ledger has to become an underlying and implicit requirement, which is addressed by technologies such Blockchain. The course Computer Science & Engineering (IoT & Cyber security, including Block chain technology) is designed to meet these emerging needs.

Realizing that our engineers should be future ready, KSIT is offering B.E. degree in "CSE (IoT, Cyber Security and Blockchain)". This course will empower our young engineering graduates with the required knowledge of computer science as well as tools and technologies of these emerging areas of Internet of (Every) Thing, Drones, Cyber security, Ransomware, Blockchain and Smart contract et al. Considering the future careers, these students will be well equipped to perform well in these areas as well as play a key role in nation building and its security. These students will not only get wonderful placement opportunities but may also choose entrepreneurial path and chart their own course.

Apply Now

Section 4

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